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A Net Zero Food System

We will enable the transition to a net zero food system, measuring and quantifying the change through reduced CO2 equivalent emissions.

Impact stories

The relationship between food production and planet has fractured. Industrialisation has meant that food systems have prioritised mass productivity and efficiency rather than working in a sustainable way. How can the food system better…
The EIT Food Future of Food Conference 2022 explored how agrifood innovation can enable and accelerate the decarbonisation of the EU’s food system. As we draw closer to COP27, this blog highlights some of the key takeaways from the event.
Climate change is happening all around us and the food system is both a cause and casualty. There are many ways the food system can drive positive change and reduce its environmental impact. Here we highlight five.
Paltech is a recently established AgTech startup based in Freising, Germany. They are 2021 Seedbed hub alumni and won the award for best pitch. The company was founded by the two brothers Felix and Florian Schiegg and their stepfather…
regional news
In order to build a resilient and sustainable agrifood system, we need to work together to understand the challenges and opportunities faced by stakeholders from across the whole food value chain.
Podcast #99

Sky's the limit for urban farming

Jens Juul Krogshede, CEO and Co-Founder of Nabofarms, discusses using city centre spaces for growing fresh and sustainable crops to feed…
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